Home Swimming in the warm haven as dark as the blackest raven She knows it is time to leave A hand, a light leads her Cold and bold air hits her skin as the line she shares with her mother is cut and she is breathing on her own but not alone Today turns quickly to tomorrow, then a week, a month, a year then 5 speeds by how time flies until memory lets her see slowly the other children's faces the secret hiding places in the woods past the backyard The old statues that would guard the small stream which gleemed in the rays of the sun as she daydreamed of what the world was like And every night she looked up to the lights protecting, sparkling their magic upon her So many Stars, Mars and Jupiter with their promises of the future A shooting star falls through the darkness She wishes upon the naked bareness of youth and innocence looking only forward to what would come next Surrounded by ghosts of the past with traditions and a culture that last through centuries her ancestors cast She only wants to grow up fast and be a part of the mass Glossy magazines enticing with images new and exciting she sees the old as stale and boring Starving for the new and unknown blown away by visual spices blinded by stars in her eyes she realizes it is time to embark on her own this time alone