Banana muffin blues, is that right? 格好だけで何もしないの 母さん教えて、悪いの誰なの? 啖呵切ってもだらしないの 先生教えて、だるいの誰なの? 人のせいにすんのやめようよ ルールなんて端からねんだよ 一度きりの人生 そりゃあ本音は 夢に生きるだけだろ? Banana muffin… Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo! You can't change me You can't control me You can't catch me You can't even touch me You've gotta love me You've gotta love me Love me, love me Banana muffin 計画性なんてないし 渡りに船乗ったら恫喝 がっつき異常の空論 Merde! 取り柄なんて他にねんだろ、るるる♪ "I tell you what, son. What comes around goes around, so do not interfere in the destiny of others, or else… POW! You will never discover your own. D'you understand what I'm saying?" Banana muffin… Banana muffin blues Death!