誰にも負けられないような 得意なこと 完璧な装備で挑んだけど Oh my 立ちはだかる宿命に躍らされて 試合途中にリタイア 夢見続けることはもう止めて 大人しく人並みでいるよ Reality knocks me down At times losing control inside. So I slow down then swim out to find what I want. Gravity makes me drown At times struggles make me stronger. Although they try to stop me My life is constantly... 誰にも気付かれないように 堪えてたの たくさんの月日が流れたものの Oh dear たった一つの願いさえ叶えられず この先はどうなるんだ? 痛みの味をマイルドにして 技極めに出直してくるよ Reality knocks me down At times losing control inside. So I slow down then swim out to find what I want. Gravity makes me drown At times struggles make me stronger. Although they try to stop me My life is constantly blooming. 思い通りにする分だけ 期待の水嵩だけが増えてく 思い通りにならない時 過信に飲み込まれないように Reality knocks me down At times losing control inside. So I slow down then swim out to find what I want. Gravity makes me drown At times struggles make me stronger. Although they try to stop me My life is constantly blooming. Reality knocks me down At times losing control inside. So I slow down then swim out to find what I want. Gravity makes me drown At times struggles make me stronger. Although they try to stop me My life is constantly blooming. My life is constantly blooming.