Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby Do you have fun? Do you feel good? I wish I knew how, I wish I could Haven't talked in quite some time Think of you on long night drives But my head's in the clouds And I'm stuck on the couch Is something better than nothing baby? Just trying to figure it out I'm not riding the high I'm chasing the feeling Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby Lost in a feeling, stuck in the ceiling Wish I was better to be around Oops, I did it again I hurt your feelings I didn't mean to do it to you My brain is used to pain And I'm trying to learn what it means To love my baby right I'm not riding the high I'm chasing the feeling Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby Lost in a feeling, stuck in the ceiling Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby Lost in a feeling, stuck in the ceiling Wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around! Round! Round! Wish I was better to be around, wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, wish I was better to be around Wish I was better to be around, baby!