枯れた花と荒れた大地 空が嘆く 連なる夢雲重なり 日を遮る (Last in my breaker) 朽ちた声と病んだ峠 空が叫ぶ 見つけた故の証で 月は満ち微笑む (冷たく) 泥だらけの羽根震わせ もう一度 (もう一度) 描いたこの夢の続き 想い手繰り寄せれば Away to last on your trace Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we stand in time 錆び付いた欠片 削ぎ落として Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we call this time 目に見えぬ Glory night 仮面の下で満ちた雫 空切り裂く 折り重なる地平線は 何を語る (Last in my dreamer) 悲愴の印 超えた先に 空が光る 叶えた故の響きで 明日は満ち微笑む (必ず) 傷だらけの声響かせ 今一度 (今一度) 砕いた石板の音色 響き渡る鼓動は Away to last on your trace Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we stand in time 絡み付いた 過去振り解いて Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we call this time 掴み取る Glory days 泥だらけの羽根震わせ もう一度 (もう一度) 描いた筈の夢の続き 想いに乗せて 傷だらけの声響かせ 今一度 砕いた石板の音色 響き渡る鼓動は Away to last on your trace Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we stand in time 信じた歌を明日へ紡いで Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we call this time 解き放つ日舞え Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we stand in time 錆び付いた欠片 削ぎ落として Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we call this time 目に見えぬ Glory night Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we stand in time しがみ付いた 過去振り払って Set me free and mate them As what we just trust and When we call this time 掴み取る Glory days 何時か見る Glory nights Forthcoming sign GLORIA