明日は問13の答え合わせ 「あたし何もやってなくてホントに 困っちゃうな」 週末はundergroundもぐり 爆音教の祭典 肝心の10代がダメじゃ Happy Life 遠くなっていく Don't return to these days (don't return to these days) the question means nothing other than regrets (fine days Sundays are for children) Life's like movies (Life's like movies) rewinding makes no change at all you know that? (her teeth are shining like dolphins) トリトン! 退屈なmidnight そう割と現実から失踪 あの日あのムダ話 最近よく思い出すよ Don't return to these days (don't return to these days) the question means nothing other than regrets (fine days Sundays are for children) Life's like movies (Life's like movies) rewinding makes no change at all you know that? (her teeth are shining like dolphins) Don't return to these days Don't return to these days Don't look back yesterdays Don't look back yesterdays Don't look back yesterdays Don't look back Don't return to these days