Rise… Like the sun As you so I'd should so Shine… In my eyes Let me know That you know Time… As the line I believe Dive in him Live… He is alive In my soul All night long 嵐の中 戸惑う僕を尻目に 君は微睡む まるで何も気付かなかった 素振りのように そして一言 何を心配しているの?と そっと囁く 信を持てない 僕の心の弱さの姿に You encourage me like that Rise… Like the sun As you so I'd should so Shine… In my eyes Let me know That you know Time… As the line I believe Dive in him Live… He is alive In my soul All night long 君の言葉 素直に聞けなくて溺れる どうしてあの時 君だけを見れなかったのだろう それでも変わらず 引き上げてくれるYour warm hands 雲間から照らす 輝く一筋の光のよう Your grace is so amazing Rise… Like the sun As you so I'd should so Shine… In my eyes Let me know That you know Time… As the line I believe Dive in him Live… He is alive In my soul All night long Rise… Shine… Time… Live…