偽りの自分のこと understand understand 分かってるから これ以上隠せない understand understand 答え出すから 心の叫びに 耳を傾け 聞こえて来るのは (Let's get turn everything over) 目指す次のステージ 膨らますイメージ 抜け出す狭いケージ 何度も何度でも 恐れずturn me over ありふれた毎日に We just let things better nothing impossible There's nothing left of me. I realize what's the next you know that ×2 Let's get turn everything over There's no way to escape. But I can show you how you know that ×2 Let's get turn everything over 生まれ変わるHappy re-birth day candle light candle light 吹き消して ちよっとしたエゴでも 今なら言えるfor me, for you... Now the time, Let it go! まぶたを閉じれば 心に潜む もう一人の自分が 揺るがぬハートをずっと 貫く為に 光求めて 何度も何度でも このままturn me over 歩み出せ その一歩 We just let things better nothing impossible There's nothing left of me. I realize what's the next you know that ×2 Let's get turn everything over There's no way to escape. But I can show you how you know that ×2 Let's get turn everything over <♪> I can find my way just right now <♪> There's nothing left of me. I realize what's the next There's no way to escape. But I can show you how There's nothing left of me. I realize what's the next you know that ×2 Let's get turn everything over There's no way to escape. But I can show you how you know that ×2 Let's get turn everything over