It is my bet that if I sing this song in english you'll understand I've loved it for a long time really You are the only one for who doesn't know that was fine though until I found about you now Ah It must have been painful I did not know anything about it but I was just fall in love with it rather than to idols I want to make my love with you a reality There is no greater happiness than hearing your song again that is why I keep making them this song is for you about makes its lonely I can not do anything when the light goes out all I can do is stand still with nothing It is okay to laugh at sutribial things that was a big deal for me I keep bet there was nothing cloudly about my love for you ever since we met a long time ago You have been in my heart a lot of things happened to us but although I may not be that old anymore but maybe something like that could happen I made some coffee for you How about this for your life from now on