ahahahaha If walls can taught to spills the lies We'll see the world through devil's eyes <♪> I maintain an addiction They know they take to high I gotta a inch with a loaded head trigger And a one way ticket to fly When there's no writing on the walls I see the lifeless devils start to crawl And I don't need no lessons After all Everybody is doing their time Got you right in the corner Don't you look me wrong Fuck Dump n' drowned 'till they gonna got a bitch What don't belong I see the writing on the wall I see the lifeless devils start to crawl And I don't need no lessons After all Everybody is doing their time That's just the price to play So tell me what you like Gotta handle the kerosene match tonight <♪> Had enough of opinions I got enough on my mind Sell your soul for approval and a dollar Got a pretty little body to grind I see your number on the wall I see the lifeless devils start to crawl I don't need no lessons Watch the fall You lost my attention After all Everybody is doing their time time