月夜の触 人間ドール 無味乾燥 奈落にfall 回転するトライアングル 万物流転 不明瞭言語 1人ベッドで喘ぐ daydream 惨事made in 寒煙迷離 ゲームは終わり 鹿鹿鹿鹿金鹿鹿鹿 nothing is real i no longer feel the sensation of the rain hitting the ground, not making a sound it's all become blurry my tendons snap at the sight of the man who carries my head in his hands he wishes to not make amends he's gathered my blood on his hands dance to this requiem with me we'll see things which they can't see father time is angry with you and me as i lay on my knees and i pray i ask that for just one more day i'm able to see 'em in pain and anguish again 明晰心無? 礙晴天痙攣発狂故我抜刀鹿金精算愚 者豚具茶混 孤独の毒砕きスニッフ bad trip bite the dust 狂宴乱舞 江戸川乱歩 自己愛憎官能 嗚呼 堪能shit it'll always hurt no matter if the bleeding stops or if your veins begin to intertwine always a matter of who gets out alive will it be you? or me? i guess we'll wait and see but when that clock stops it's over for us in this barren wasteland known as hell Un duex trois 無差別ポア 血飛沫舞う 紅緋の空 漂流するエゴ 洗脳迷路 低能培養デモクラシー啓蒙 ケロイド顔纏う白痴のメイド 強姦 愛憎は混乱 人格冒涜ピロートーク読経 専売特許 人斬?死 成仏 再見 夜明けの残月 畢生遺書 アナグラムの感性 朗読する眼球譚 一撃介錯 斬斬斬 生類憐れみの令 標語掲げる 顔面蒼白の偽善者 一刀両断 秒殺 レクイエム奏でて全員並べ as we walk along this dirt road you start to turn to dust you went back from whence you came the world will forget your name, but we will not forgive at all now i'm stuck in agony as i await your return i'll do whatever it takes to see you suffer again