I am Here Never free I'm lost in this battle With the my soul in chains Invoco tregua All' impietosa, tumultuosa tempesta Un sibilo precede Il nemico errabondo che trascina Mind will run and will fight Around the fear It never dies Stay here now! I'll destroy my purest madness From my hands shall flow nightmares That corrode my chains Die The fear Fight This is my war In my battle Around the fear Relentless I will fight In my battle Around the fear Relentless This is my war In my battle Around the fear Forever I will see your face I hold my breathe I hold my self In every moment I hold my breathe I hold my self Every time Oh, insana follia non v'è tregua Everything will start again My soul will rise Chains will be lost My soul will rise again Benevoli stelle amiche della follia Lost in this battle Born from my blood, Born from my blood, Born from my blood Lost in this battle I kiss your iced lips forever Into my mind Sogni dall'oblio destate i fremiti Consacrate le lande dei miei attimi Nutrendo istanti di fremiti Nel silenzio sussulti, avvolgi, trascini, stravolgi oh errante cavaliere Sfidi intrepidamente creature del destino, non v'è tregua in battaglia. For your soul For my soul Delirio della follia Bramo l'infinito