To be or not to be in a Nightmare? That is the question but I am not there at all Is it nobler to Bear slings of outrageous fortune, Or to oppose by taking arms? Storm winds shake slumbering/Bowels but by fleeing You become even More attractive Like a flooding River overwhelms Everything and leaves No escape Come un attore inesperto sulla scena Che per timore Dimentica la sua parte e trema D'innanzi alla sua musa. Come una furia Colma di rabbia La cui forza Indebolisce il cuore Così io dimentico Di recitar Fortius Resurgam Maelstrom aridi insci Ma l'attore può imparare Elude il timore Recitando la sua parte Appaga la musa Eloquenza del mio cuor Pulsante che implora amor This is the time that no longer has time But the mind betays the truth about time Only reason will conquer time And time may declare the end of time. This is the time that no longer has time But the mind betrays the truth about time Only reason will conquer time And time may declare the end of time Fortius Resurgam Maelstrom aridi insci Ma l'attore può imparare Elude il timore Recitando la sua parte Appaga la musa I would like to live in A time without end I don't want to be alone, you should not think you're alone I want you joyfull in me, I'll be there Never leave me alone, I will never leave you alone I will never leave you alone Never alone