遠く離れていても I'm gonna make you love me 今夜は二人だから 君の側にいさせて I'm gonna take you far away この夢が覚めるまで 夜空を見上げて「月が綺麗だね」っ て君に伝えたい そしたら君は「もう死んでもいいわ 」と答えてくれるかい? あぁ…今すぐ君に逢いたい We can not see or find each other tonight We can not see or find each other tonight Forever Tell me what you want to do with your true love? Tell me what you want to do with your real dream? Tell me what you want to do with your new life? moonlight…moonlight…moonlight Tell me what you want to do with your lost heart? Tell me what you want to do with your own path? Tell me what you want to do with your cold tears? moonlight…moonlight…moonlight 二人きりの夜は I wanna make you feel good 全て忘れさせるよ 何も要らないから I wanna see you hold my hands もう二度と離さない 「百年目に咲く百合の花みたい」っ て僕は聞いたよね? それから僕はただ「傾く前に出会え て良かった」と感じているんだ ねぇ…分かる? We can not see or find each other tonight We can not see or find each other tonight Forever Tell me what you want to do with your true love? Tell me what you want to do with your real dream? Tell me what you want to do with your new life? moonlight…moonlight…moonlight Tell me what you want to do with your lost heart? Tell me what you want to do with your own path? Tell me what you want to do with your cold tears? moonlight…moonlight…moonlight この世界中に星の数ほど人はいるけ れど一人でいい 今夜の青い月は美しかったけれどそ んなものより絶対一番君が綺麗だな Tell me what you want to do with your true love? Tell me what you want to do with your real dream? Tell me what you want to do with your new life? moonlight…moonlight…moonlight Tell me what you want to do with your lost heart? Tell me what you want to do with your own path? Tell me what you want to do with your cold tears? moonlight…moonlight…moonlight