全く浮かないEVERYDAY 味をしめてるかのようにHIDE AWAY Don't be fooled by what you see あのさこのままMaybe you're out of place がっつりシビアなEVERYDAY 恥をかきたくないからHIDE AWAY Don't be fooled by what you want 君にはいつでもRain is fallin' down 切なくたって 辛くなっちゃったって Don't be afraid to let them show your self 君の声はきっと伝わるよ It's never late to start again! You'll be everything you want Smiling is the key along the way I know Let's take our time You'll be everything Forgiving is the key along the way I know Even brighter than the sun Right now 枕が濡れてるEVERY NIGHT 嫌な現実からすぐRUN AWAY Don't be fooled by what you see だからいっつもYou don't know if you get behinde ほっつき回るよEVERY NIGHT 嘘を使いこなしてはRUN AWAY Don't be fooled by what you want スキを見せたらCome a day when you'll be gone 切なくたって 辛くなっちゃったって Don't be afraid to let them show your self 君の声はきっと伝わるよ It's never late to go! You'll be everything you want Smiling is the key along the way I know Let's take our time You'll be everything Forgiving is the key along the way I know Even brighter than the sun Right now You'll be everything you want Smiling is the key along the way I know Let's take our time You'll be everything Forgiving is the key along the way I know Even brighter than the sun Right now Baby, We can change something today!