眩しい窓際の照り返し 朝日に照らされる虹彩 見つめる先には何もない ただの白銀の新世界 鮮やかに煌めく照り返し 夕陽の緋色に染まる雲 聴こえるリズミカルなエコー ただの白銀の新世界 Airway to the northern snowgrass Airway to the northern snowgrass Highway to the northern snowgrass Highway to the northern snowgrass Railway to the northern snowgrass Railway to the northern snowgrass Snowy way in the northern snowgrass Snowy way in the northern snowgrass 眩しい窓際の照り返し 朝日に照らされる虹彩 見つめる先には何もない ただの白銀の新世界 鮮やかに煌めく照り返し 夕陽の緋色に染まる雲 聴こえるリズミカルなエコー ただの白銀の新世界 Airway to the northern snowgrass Airway to the northern snowgrass Highway to the northern snowgrass Highway to the northern snowgrass Railway to the northern snowgrass Railway to the northern snowgrass Snowy way in the northern snowgrass Snowy way in the northern snowgrass