Stop whining whining Ah 寝言はもう 終わりだ Turn it up しょぼくれてる 暇はないぜ 上げろ Gain Again and again ココロナカで 暴れ回る 根拠もないのに 絡み空回る 純な People 陽動 爆ぜろ Propaganda Let's get it on 似非すぎるボンクラ 歌ってもチクハグ You sound like a bitch もう 失せろ You too bad The world's on fire, Let's organize it 言わずもがな But I don’t care 新手の悪魔祓い OK Boom Boom Shake it like a DAIDARA Boom Boom Shake it like a DAIDARA Boom Boom 騒げ Youngblood 曇天にLouder (Count) 3,2,1 Just awaken the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Calling out to the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Let's change the way the story's told Wake up the DAIDARA I'll never kill myself Don't fit the mold Just awaken the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Calling out to the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Let's change the way the story's told Wake up the DAIDARA It is inside of you Don't lose courage ♪ Arredi, Arredi, Arredi now「見せしめろ!」炙り出す Babylon もう Do you know the enemy? Virusより タチ悪い Paranoia Insomnia 直に 段々 バレバレ クソメディア Buddy buddy bye Buddy bye bye Buddy bye Boom Boom Shake it like a DAIDARA Boom Boom Shake it like a DAIDARA Boom Boom 騒げ Youngblood 曇天にLouder (Count) 3,2,1 Just awaken the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Calling out to the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Let's change the way the story's told Wake up the DAIDARA I'll never kill myself Don't fit the mold Just awaken the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Calling out to the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Let's change the way the story's told Wake up the DAIDARA It is inside of you Don't lose courage 阿鼻叫喚の地獄絵図 もう It's all about the bullshit Clubhouse sandwitches and Instant coffee Himajin all the people 汗馬之労 けど 鶏鳴狗盗 メッキ剥がれ 低空飛行 我は何処へ?って迷い拘攣? 挙句 随類応同 乞う? Hey 狼狽 Government? Just awaken the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Calling out to the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Let's change the way the story's told Wake up the DAIDARA I'll never kill myself Don't fit the mold Just awaken the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Calling out to the DAIDARA (DAIDARA) Let's change the way the story's told Wake up the DAIDARA It is inside of you Don't lose courage ♪