

“ 響きとリズム ” 夏の陽射 笑顔を照らし 海辺の波は 心を踊らす 友と噛じる西瓜の味に かけがえのない時間を舌鼓 しかし なんとも この暑さだけは敵わんな 汗流しては 木陰を探し 涼を求めて 扇風機 嗚呼 待ち遠し 夜の涼しさ 友の何度も手を叩く音に 蚊を巻く煙に火を灯す 夏の楽しさ 心に刻む 暑さ それ また 花添える 嗚呼 幸せ 苦しさ 共にあり 今年も それ また 印象深き 夏となりけり     “ 比喩と象徴 ” カーテンから射し込む 朝陽と鳥たちの声に それが希望か絶望か不安になる 夢 未来 恋人の笑顔 家族の温もり そんなものに小さな幸せを探して 道はどこも険しく 常に嵐は訪れる 汗は涙となり 心の柱が傾く 孤独な夜は 暗闇に包まれ 振り向きたくなるのをじっと堪える 失敗や負けた経験が 人を成長させることはわかっているが 出会いを求めなければ 支え合う仲間など できないことも知ってはいるが 人の笑顔の裏には隠された苦労がある そんなこと言われなくたって … どうしても不公平と理不尽って気持が 心の闇を大きく 渦巻かせてしまうんだ 本音と建前 偽善と道徳 意味不明だよ 終わらない道 必ず閉じる命 だからといって 岩戸なんかに籠もりたくはない 輝く月の元でみんなと炎を囲みたい 今日もできることをできる限り 方向さえ間違えなければ いつか必ず   “Sound and Rhythm” The summer sun shines on my smile, and the waves on the beach make my heart dance. The taste of watermelon I bite into with my friend, and I savor the irreplaceable time. But, this heat is just too much to handle. I sweat, search for shade, and turn on the fan in search of coolness. Ah, I can’t wait for the coolness of the night. To the sound of my friend clapping his hands over and over, I light the smoke that’s been swarming mosquitoes. The joy of summer is engraved in my heart. The heat also adds flowers. Ah, happiness and pain exist together. This year, too, has been another memorable summer. “Metaphor and Symbol” The morning sun shining through the curtains and the voices of the birds make me worry whether it’s hope or despair. Dreams, the future, the smile of my lover, the warmth of my family. I look for small happiness in such things. The road is always rough, and storms always come. Sweat turns into tears. The pillars of my heart are tilted On lonely nights, I'm enveloped in darkness I can't help but want to look back I know that failure and losing experiences make people grow, I know that if you don't seek out new encounters, you won't be able to find friends to support you Behind people's smiles are hidden hardships, and I don't need to be told that... The feelings of injustice and unreasonableness The truth and pretenses, hypocrisy and morality, they're meaningless A never-ending road, a life that will surely close But that doesn't mean I want to stay in a cave I want to surround everyone with a fire under the shining moon Today, as much as I can, as long as I don't go in the wrong direction, someday