Love, we couldn't walk on in the same way though we still love each other Just the way we are I don't wanna hurt you anymore That's why I said good bye Just our ways are off 'cause I realized that love takes many forms. Your way, my way… I should be the stranger who loves you ever and care you from the distant place Your way and my way May they one day cross and merge as one when we share our memories and hold each other close Love, when you appeared to me at the night I believed this moment was not mere chance but an inevitability, and that feeling unchanged even now We simply journeyed through the same time, only to arrive at different destinations And we were true to each other 'cause we're the one soul with different purposes of our lives Your way, my way… I should be the stranger who loves you ever and care you from the distant place Your way and my way May they one day cross and merge as one when we share our memories and hold each other close Love, I'll never throw away our days The joys and the sorrows, they live on within us In the end, you opened your heart to me, With those words, I need nothing more, I'll be at peace Your way, my way… I should be the stranger who loves you ever and care you from the distant place Your way and my way May they one day cross and merge as one when we share our memories and hold each other close Your way, my way… Love, we couldn't walk on in the same way though we still love each other Just the way we are