suddenly thought go and started on the instant imagine that of life over and over and more now I will think about something no care in this town only have cheap soul and lyrics we are six type music and we have six instluments so over cut and throw away of smokey days words were allowed to accumulate too late what something still need? we want hype artist of your holiday and get excited of floor good mellow phrase is always run way from my empty brain let's go looking for words trip 気づけば足のサイズと今年で同い歳 あともうワンサイズだけ子どもでい さてよ レコードの針がへたれる頃 ヨレたリズムにゆがむワンルーム しけたポーズ寝転ぶさまよう 君の堅い頭ん中の世界 湯沸かしふやかしたい ステレオタイプのモラル感 やりきれないことは捨てろfor dump スクロール止まらぬコンテンツ 言葉の在庫切らす退屈な雰囲気 もう迷わせないでよ あんたがいなくちゃ またあの子に惹かれちまうだろ そう今夜も we want hype hero of your flatday and get excited of flow good mellow lyrics is always run way from my empty days