飼っているメダカが 3回目の冬を迎える My medaka fish is going through its third winter そのメダカに春を迎えてほしい それが私の願い I want those medaka to welcome spring. That is my wish. 飼っているメダカには 初めての冬を迎えるやつもいる Some of the medaka I keep are experiencing their first winter. そのメダカにも春を迎えてほしい それが私の願い I want those medaka to welcome spring too. That is my wish. 冬を超えたら 強いメダカになれるんだよ If you can survive the winter, you will become a strong medaka. Stay alive! Stay alive! I want all the medaka to welcome spring. That is my wish. I want all the medaka to welcome spring. That is my wish. Stay alive! Stay alive!