友人が東京に帰っていく 正確には埼玉だけど 彼はいつも「東京」だと言うから それはそれでいい My friend is moving back to Tokyo, Saitama to be exact, but he always says "Tokyo" so that's fine. 見送りがてら うどんを食べた 福岡名物の「牧のうどん」さ ふたりでエネルギッシュに 食べたよ As we were seeing them off, we ate udon noodles. They were "Maki no Udon," a Fukuoka specialty. We ate energetically together. 飛行機が30分遅延した スマートフォンを充電しながら 旅の食レポを書くと言う The plane was delayed for 30 minutes. He said he would write a food report on his trip while charging his smartphone. 彼は食レポが大好きなのさ He loves food reports 友人が東京に戻っていく 移り住んで34年にもなる 東京駅から特急で20分 埼玉もいろいろだな My friend is moving back to Tokyo. He's been here for 34 years. It's only 20 minutes by express train from Tokyo Station. Saitama has a lot going on. 見送り途中 立ち寄ったカフェに 彼はリュックサックを忘れてきた まったく笑っちまう珍道中だぜ On the way to see him off, we stopped at a cafe and he forgot his backpack. It was a really funny journey. 飛行機が30分遅延した 空港の展望台に行ったけど 寒くてすぐにやめた The plane was delayed for 30 minutes. I went to the observation deck at the airport, but it was so cold I gave up soon after. 寒さには勝てないぜ I can't beat the cold 飛行機が30分遅延した 少し長くバカな話した あの頃のまま The plane was delayed for 30 minutes. We talked a little too long about stupid things. Just like back then. そうあの頃のまま Yes, just like back then