終ワリノ見エナイ夜、 サヨナラ言エズニ 繰リ返ス願イ、消エ行ク未来 絶望ノ中デ光ヲ探シタ But the dream won't fade, can't escape the shade 終ワリナキ夢ノ旋律 果テナキ夜ニ響ク声 壊レタ願イ、揺レル心 終ワリノ見エナイ旅ガ続ク The melody won't die, in the endless sky 途切レタ記憶ノ中、サヨナラ告ゲタ 失ワレタ時間、過去ト未来 無限ノループ、抜ケ出セナイ罠 In this labyrinth of dreams, nothing's what it seems 終ワリナキ夢ノ旋律 孤独ナ夜ニ紡グ詩 儚イ願イ、サヨナラ告ゲ 終ワリノ見エナイ夢ガ続ク The melody won't end, in the night we blend 夢ト現実ノ狭間デ踊ル 曖昧ナ境界、彷徨ウ心 終ワリヲ求メ、果テヲ願ウ Yet the dream persists, in the shadows it twists 終ワリナキ夢ノ旋律 果テナキ夜ニ響ク声 壊レタ願イ、揺レル心 終ワリノ見エナイ旅ガ続ク The melody won't die, in the endless sky 終ワリノ無イ夜ガ明ケル 夢ト現実、交ワル場所 響キ続ケル旋律、消エナイ In the endless dream, where the night redeems