野球の試合でサヨナラ負けをした あの時に見た夕焼けを忘れられない I can't forget the sunset I saw when we lost a baseball game in a walk-off 外野を守っていた僕の横を 強いライナーが過ぎ去って 行ったのさ A strong liner passed by me as I was playing in the outfield. ダイビングしたけど届かなかったよ ボールを追う僕にチームメイトは 小さな声で嫌味を言った I dived but couldn't reach it. My teammates made snide remarks in low voices as I chased the ball. 彼は若くして亡くなったと聞いた 彼との思い出はそれだけだった I heard he died young and that was the only memory I had of him. 訃報を聞いたときは 真っ先にあの試合のことを 思い出した 何十年ぶりにね When I heard the news of his death, the first thing I remembered was that game, for the first time in decades. 野球の試合でサヨナラ負けをした あの時に見た夕焼けを忘れられない I can't forget the sunset I saw when we lost a baseball game in a walk-off あの時に見た夕焼けを忘れられない I can't forget the sunset I saw that time. この歌を彼に捧げる この思い出を忘れないよう そして安らかに I dedicate this song to him Let's not forget this one memory. And may he rest in peace