火の無い所で 体を燃やせ! あの美しい馬に乗って 駆ける君の背中には まだ羽根はない また羽根がない これじゃあ二の舞 未だ勘違い RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! <♪> そこをどきなよ 電話を切りなよ あせる汗でにじむ虹を つかむ君の背中には まだ羽根はない また羽根がない これじゃあ二の舞 今だ!勘違い! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. <♪> RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. Our hero wears a stocking suits. You are the man in super. You are the man in super. Our hero <♪> RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH! RUSH!!!