It's almost Thanksgiving And everyone's home Stuck to the bar Where we used to go We're gonna drink till somebody heaves As we get together On this Thanksgiving Eve Everyone's out And everyone's here For this little bar It's the biggest night of the year Times, they are changing like the color of leaves We're all looking different On this Thanksgiving Eve Some change for the better Some change for the worse The valedictorian Is clutching her purse The social director, he has tricks up his sleeve We'll see what happens On this Thanksgiving Eve So pour me a tall one Or pour me a short one Drinking's a crime, babe And I'd like to report one I've been voluntarily overserved, I believe But that is what happens On Thanksgiving Eve So here's to the good times To strangers and friends And I hope that next year We'll meet again But right now bartender says, "Y'all got to leave" Good luck and farewell On this Thanksgiving Eve