貧しい育ちの 赤毛揺らして 痩せた身体に 隠し持つ力 それを羨む スクリーン越しの 冷めた私に What's up? Irene on the screen spoke to me and took me into her world. 信じ難い景色が いま初めて肌に触れる We walked on the subtitles and surprised the audience. 不思議な事が起こる 金曜日のテアトル 眩しいスタッズ 1970s 信じ続けた エメラルドの声 It's time. After saying goodbye to me she disappeared into the crowd. 気が付けば元の場所 D8の冷えたシートの上 I'm getting close to the end It was like a dream. That was the last time I ever saw her. mm… What you kindly showed me tonight will no doubt lead me in the right direction! 弾む足取りで去る 金曜日のテアトル 何かが変わる予感 ああ、素晴らしき夜