光が沈む瞬間に As the light sinks away 堕天使は降りてくる The fallen angel descends 闇の中にひとしずく A single drop in the darkness 祈りを紡いで Weaves a prayer Falling light, 堕ちゆく光が Falling light 闇に溶ける Melting into the darkness Prayer to the night, 夜への祈りが Prayer to the night 闇にささやく Whispers to the dark 空に散った星たち Stars scattered in the sky 地上の影が揺れる Shadows dance on the ground 涙のような光が Light like tears 闇に染まって Stains the dark Falling light, 堕ちゆく光が Falling light 闇に溶ける Melting into the darkness Prayer to the night, 夜への祈りが Prayer to the night 闇にささやく Whispers to the dark 深い闇が The deep darkness 心を包む Wraps around the heart 消えた希望を The hope that vanished そっと包み込んで Gently enfolds Falling light, 堕ちゆく光が Falling light 闇に溶ける Melting into the darkness Prayer to the night, 夜への祈りが Prayer to the night 闇にささやく Whispers to the dark 光と闇の間で Between light and dark 祈りは続く The prayer goes on 堕天使の羽が The wings of the fallen 静かに包み込む Silently enfold