Okay, wait, maybe we should Maybe we should launch some airplanes during the song Can I ask you how, if you got an ending? No, we ain't got no ending What do you think about that, Spare Mike? We only got three We get a bootleg here And uh Here, it's all wound up Okay, you rollin' there, Roland? You see tape rollin' in there, Bullethead? Okay, here we go Are you ready Mr. Associate producer? You ready Skid? Ready Spare Mike? Here we go Richard Petty Richard Petty (I couldn't hear it) Richard Petty Who da king? Stock car king Richard Petty He da king C'mon Richard, let's go Richard Oh, Freddy Richard Petty Turn number one Turn number two Number three Number four Richard Petty Oh yeah (Richard Petty) Rock and roll (This is Chris Economaki at the speedway) Yeah (Richard Petty) Richard Petty